DOWNLOAD MUSIC: EDUEK ~ Jesus || Free Download

Jesus by EDUEK
Eduek (Eduek Akan) is a passionate lover of God. Worship is her lifestyle. She is guided and driven by the word of God that says, ‘yet a time is coming and has now come, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.’ Her intense desire is to give God true worship. In her words, ‘anything that makes Him smile, is worth it!’

She is a singer, songwriter, talk-show host on the 700Club Nigeria Show and an administrator (a role that earned her the nickname, ‘Eduek the Resourceful’. She’s also fondly called Madam Fix It.

A native of Akwa- Ibom state, Nigeria, but born and bred in Lagos, Nigeria; she was brought up to know and fear God by her mother and father who serve in the capacity of a Reverend and an Elder respectively, in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria.

Growing up, she had engaged in several dance and stage drama presentations both in school and in church. Her journey into music started in her early teens where she was privileged to be part off a gospel girl group named, ‘RUACH’, which was made up of four (4) extremely talented young ladies. The group which was birthed in the Teen Church of the House on the Rock Church Lagos, released singles titled, ‘He Is’, ‘Possible’, ‘No one’ and ‘Powerful’; and ministered at several shows and concerts within Nigeria.

Also a graduate of Pure and Industrial Chemistry from the University of Nsukka, Nigeria and an Alumni of Queen’s College Yaba Lagos, Eduek is a unique blend of the science and the arts.

Her deep belief in the faithfulness of God and her die- hard optimistic attitude has helped her overcome some of life’s most challenging situations. To her, ‘where there’s the will, you will find the way’.

She is an active member of Tehillah Company (the choir of House on the Rock, The Refuge, Abuja), where she serves as a Worship leader and Praise Team member.

Eduek’s life is full of testimonies and holds so much promise. She’s currently working on several other singles, which will be released in the near future.

Kindly journey into the life and music of this amazing minstrel of the living God, as she shares with you the music of her heart, all for the love of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus.



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